Offer to Key Stage 1 schools

Offer to Key Stage 1 schools


We are a Mental Health and Wellbeing Centre supporting Swindon and the surrounding area


Consultant psychiatrist, Swindon

Our aims are to help address issues such as mental, psychological and emotional health: loneliness and isolation: increase self-esteem, encourage an active lifestyle: and to help promote positive change

We offer a range of therapeutic interventions including talking therapies, Music and Art

Can I place on record my appreciation for the outstanding service you provide?

Your music group with our service users especially the younger ones has proved to be very popular. They enjoy it hugely and improves their confidence and self-esteem. For some it is the highlight of the week. It helps in keeping their mood up and it seems to have an excellent antidepressant effect.

For more details… contact Julie Mattinson:

Curriculum Support

School Music Outreach officers can help you with supporting your music curriculum, arrange CPD sessions, help you develop a school music plan as well as a singing strategy and undertake a music health check.  To book a session click here


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