Instrumental & Vocal Lessons

The hub offers a broad and varied array of opportunities for children and young people. Visit the various organisations to find the best fit for you.

Instrumental and vocal lessons

National recommended charges for lessons

As a hub, we recommend charges for such lessons in line with guidance from the Musicians Union (MU) and ISM.  Currently the hourly charges for self-employed teachers outlined by MU should be  £38.50 per hour. (Self Employed tutors are expected to pay their own tax and NI contributions as well as take their own responsibility for holiday periods and sickness periods).  Current pay for employed staff of music services should be: £21 – 29 per hour with the mid-point being £25 with charges to parents £38.50. Employed staff are paid through the PAYE system and attract holiday pay, SSP and enrolment onto a pension scheme.

Self employed suggested charging rates:

30 minute lessons – recommended charge is: £19.25

20 Minute lessons – recommended charge £12.83

Employed staff suggested charging rates:

30 minute lessons – recommended charge is: £19.25

20 Minute lessons – recommended charge £12.83

Most of the local providers offer instrumental and vocal lessons out of school during the term time and  currently most of the charges are less than those outlined nationally  above.