IN2MUSIC Whole Class Ensemble Tuition at KS1

Whole Class Ensemble Tuition

IN2MUSIC – First Access & Continuation programmes

First Access is a taster module delivered over 15-weeks or 30-weeks of the academic year.  The programme ensures that every child can experience enjoyment and success from the very earliest stages of musical learning.  Continuation builds on the performance skills, creativity and aural awareness gained through the First Access programme. These programmes ensure progression and support your pupils to progress to the next level.  Research has shown that 90% of children accessing whole class instrumental teaching benefit from positive health and wellbeing that also improves social skills.

These programmes are delivered by employed specialist music tutors and not self-employed tutors.


Swindon Music Service offers WCET on the following instrument sets:


  • Singing
  • Recorder
  • African Drums (Djembe)
  • Ukulele

WCET is delivered by: Swindon Music Service 

More more details and cost, contact Paul Rowe