- Partnerships
- Schools
- Progression and musical development
- Inclusion
- Sustainablility
Will be implemented in September 2023 The five Strategic functions of the lead organisation of a music hub outlined in the NPME.
Five Strategic Functions
Music education in school
A great music education in school would include:
- at least one hour of classroom music teaching for key stages 1 to 3 (years 1 to 9)
- access to lessons across a range of instruments, and for singing
- opportunities to join your school choir or vocal group
- opportunities to join your school ensemble, band or group (such as an orchestra or rock band)
- opportunities to have your music heard – for example, in concerts, competitions or shows
- opportunities to go to live performances at least once a year
- opportunities to take music qualifications in secondary school – for example:
- A levels
- vocational technical qualifications (VTQs)
- graded music exams
Music education outside of school
Where you have an interest, your school and local music hub can support you to:
- take music lessons for instruments or singing outside of school
- join groups, orchestras or choirs out of school
- perform out of school
- make your own music and learn music in your own time
- share music you have composed, created or recorded in a live concert or online
- go to live concerts and listen to music by your peers, local community or professionals
Music hubs
Music hubs provide music education opportunities in every part of the country. This includes:
- working with teachers in the classroom to provide great music education
- providing opportunities within schools for children and young people to:
- learn instruments
- sing, either on their own or in small groups
- join choirs, orchestras, bands and other types of ensembles
- providing opportunities to learn and enjoy music outside of school
To find contact information for your local music hub, visit Arts Council England. If you’re still not sure how to find your local music hub, ask your teacher.
Support to access musical opportunities
Speak to your teacher to find out what you can get involved in, and what help is available.
Support and guidance may be from your school, music hub or another organisation in your area. It could include:
- access to musical instruments or music technology
- space to practise, such as a quiet room in school, available to you outside of lesson time
- access to facilities such as a recording studio or computer suite where you can record, produce or mix music
- support with going to concerts and performances (including help to afford tickets or help with getting to venues)
- guidance on how to take your next steps with music, including how to access national organisations where you can meet other young musicians
- information about studying music in further education or at university and how studying music can support your wider career goals
- information about careers in music and how to get into them
National Youth Music Organisations help to develop talented young musicians across a range of musical genres. They provide support to music hubs and many further and higher education settings.