The Governance of the hub
Swindon Music Service (SMS), as the lead organisation, has a board of trustees that oversee the financial aspects of the hub. This is because the agreement, along with the funding, is between SMS and the Arts Council England (ACE).
The Hub Advisory panel advises the board of trustees about the development and strategic direction of the hub
Hub Advisory Panel (HAP)
The HAP provides the strategic lead for the hub and advises the board of trustees of the lead organisation on music education, partnerships, quality assurance,Inclusion and many more…
The panel consists of the following members:
- A Chair (A trustee – but not the CEO of the lead organisation)
- The CEO of the lead organisation (budget manager & secretary)
- School representatives
- SEND representative
- Inclusion Officer
- Delivery partner representatives
- National and regional music industry representatives
- Others co-opted as necessary from time to time
The Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is responsible to ACE for the proper use of the funding agreement. To provide quarterly return to ACE in line with the conditions for funding. Agree funding allocations to hub delivery partners as advised by the HAP.
The board consists of the following trustees:
Tom Wilkes (Chair) – Tom was a former deputy head at Nova Hreod secondary school
Donna Eaton – Donna was a former head teacher at Peatmoor Community primary school
Katie James – Katie is the head teacher of Charlton Kings Infant school in Cheltenham
Rainer Dolz – Rainer was the Head of Music Service and hub lead for BANES music hub
Clare Bannon – Clare is a parent trustee
Peter Clark – Peter is the CEO of Swindon Music Service and leads the music hub ex-oficio
Annette Perrington – Annette is the Director Education, Inclusion & Skills (Swindon Borough Council) ex-officio