Inclusion strategy
The hub’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) strategy was developed for the hub by Dr Phil Mullen
The hub’s strategy is embedded across all areas of the hub and has been signed off by the Hub Advisory Panel. EDI is also a set agenda item at every meeting. The hub includes its commitment to ensuring equality of opportunity for all pupils, regales of race, gender, where they live, their levels of talent, parental income, whether they have special educational needs or disabilities and whether they are looked after children.
Our Inclusion Strategic Aims:
- Inclusion is embedded across the hub area. This includes deepening knowledge at board, SLT and other levels. The hub has worked with a range of partners to develop a strong collective vision for inclusion.
- Cultures, policies, procedures and resources are put in place to support inclusion and to ensure that appropriate and continuing resources are secured to enable the inclusion strategy to succeed.
- The workforce has appropriate and sufficient skills, knowledge and understanding (i.e. an inclusive mind-set) to deliver musically inclusive practices and appropriate musical and creative development with all children and young people.
- There is a widely held perception of the hub as one that embraces and foregrounds inclusion and diversity. The hub has engaged with schools and parents to advocate for the positive benefits of musical inclusion and has used a partnership building approach to engage community groups. In addition the hub has revised and updated its communications and website with regard to inclusion.
- The work of the hub to engage in sustainable ways with new groups of children in challenging circumstances has expanded. This includes a substantial out of school hours programme.
- The offer. for children with SEND has been expanded, with some emphasis on performance, recording and celebratory opportunities.
- The hub has increased and sustained egagament with children with SEMHD with the following main areas of focus: Those young people at risk of and with mental health problems, especially those affected by the trauma of Covid and also those excluded from school and at risk of challenging circumstances.
- Monitoring and evaluating the quality of inclusion across the hub is embedded and influences strategy.
- The workforce and governing bodies of the hub more closely reflect the makeup of the area.
- The Swindon Young Musicians programme has been critically reviewed and updated to further develop inclusion and progression for all children and young people.
- There is an increased engagement with the music of different cultural communities in the Swindon area.
Those 13 Strategic Aims will be delivered through a 4-year Action Plan