Associates for Wiltshire

The Associate Scheme directory was originally conceived and developed by Wiltshire Music Connect

About our Associates

What schools need to do when using Associate Providers

Safeguarding statement for schools when using Associates.  See HERE

Information about Associates

For Parent / Carers & schools. See HERE

Why Use Associates to provide your music provision in schools?  

Yes the dropdown lest below:

Wiltshire has a network of over 150 Associates – individual music leaders, tutors, venues, and organizations offering a wide range of musical opportunities for children and young people across Wiltshire.

Our Associates undergo a quality assurance process with us. We support them by providing continuing professional development (CPD) and networking opportunities to connect the music workforce in Wiltshire.

Learn more about our quality assurance processes for Associates HERE.

Our Associates are the music education workforce in Wiltshire. Any individual or organisation working to support music education and opportunities for children and young people in Wiltshire can apply to become an Associate, which is subsidised by GSW Music Hub and costs nothing to join.

All Associate individuals and organisations go through a quality assurance process that includes an interview, Safeguarding and Child Protection Training, Enhanced DBS checks, and reference checks. Associates must also sign up to the Terms and Conditions of membership, which outlines the benefits and expectations.

In addition to being listed in our free, searchable directory, Associates have access to student tuition and instrument hire subsidies, funding opportunities, and bespoke apps promoting work and other opportunities in Wiltshire. Associates are valued members of our music hub and help shape the future of music making in Wiltshire.

How to Apply

Associate individuals or organisations can specialise in one or more of the following areas of delivery, working either in schools or outside of schools in community or private settings:

– Peripatetic Tutor / Music Leader
– Clubs / Bands / Groups / Ensembles
– Participatory activities / projects

We particularly welcome applications from disabled people and from Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic, Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, and Boat people communities. We also welcome applications from individuals and organisations outside of Wiltshire, including from across the world, who may have music education specialisms and be available to work in Wiltshire by interacting online, in-person, or at specific times of the year.

Click here for application details and dates.