Make Music Swindon’s Pledge for stakeholders, schools, children and families
1.To be given the right information that is easy to understand and to help us make the right decision –
Make Music Swindon’s hub promises to you We will give you information that is good quality and appropriate for all schools, parents, carers, children & young people.
2. To know what difference our voice will make, and how our ideas will be listened to –
Make Music Swindon’s hub promises to you – We will tell you who’s going to listen and the difference your involvement could make.
3. To choose what we should be involved with, and work the things that are important to us –
Make Music Swindon’s hub promises to you – We will always give you the choice to be involve, and the time an support to make any choices.
4. To be heard; our opinions are important and will be respected –
Make Music Swindon’s hub promises to you – We will involve parents, carers, children and young people, listen to your views, experiences, ideas and take you seriously.
5. For children and young people to be involved in positive experiences and have the opportunities to work with others and make a real difference –
Make Music Swindon’s hub promises to you – We will work with children and young people in a safe, fun and enjoyable way that supports your needs. We will value all contributions that you have to offer.
6. When decisions are made, we want our rights at the centre of everything you do that affects us –
Make Music Swindon’s hub promises to you – We will listen to you and learn from you to make things better for you, and we will make sure you reheard in all decisions about you