Evaluate your music offer for Primary schools
Step 1
Before writing a Music Development Plan, you will first need to audit where you are now.
We recommend that you look at each of the key features of a high-quality music provision outlined in the NPME:
- timetabled curriculum music of at least one hour each week of the school year for key stages 1 to 3
- develop a school choir and/or vocal ensemble
- develop a school ensemble/band/group
- provide space for rehearsals and individual practice
- develop a termly school performance
- provide opportunities to enjoy live performances at east once a year
Further points outlined in the NPME:
- ensure music lessons are delivered by a designated music lead and ideally a music specialist
- ensure singing is a core element in the provision with daily singing and singing assemblies considered
- produce and implement a high-quality music curriculum by adopting the Model Music Curriculum (2021) or implementing a curriculum that is at least comparable in breadth and ambition You can see the Model Music Curriculum HERE. See how the Hub can support the new Model Music Curriculum HERE
You can then look at each of the key features against the following questions:
- Where is the school now?
- Where does the school want to be?
- How will you do it?
- Resources etc…
To use the Music Development Plan Toolkit (EVALUATE, WRITE, REVIEW), click HERE
You can download a Guidance to completing your Music Development Plan, click HERE